15 mei 2018

EEAC Workshop: Transforming Energy-Intensive Industries: Economic opportunities and the role of government

Oriëntatiemoment Klimaat en Energie


Datum: 15 mei 2018
Tijd: 09:30 tot 13:50 uur

iCalplaats de gebeurtenis in je agenda


The Network of European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils (EEAC) organized a workshop on economic opportunities and the role of government in the sustainability transition of energy-intensive industries in Europe. The workshop was held at the Herman Teirlinck Building, in Brussels on 15 May 2018.

With over 30,000 European companies and four million jobs in the EU , the energy-intensive industries are an important actor in the European economy. Although Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions decreased in nearly all energy-intensive industries , the sector as a whole still produces a quarter of all GHG emissions in the EU.

In the next few decades, energy-intensive industries – from steel and aluminium to cement, chemicals and refineries – will have to continue making a contribution to the 80-95% reduction in GHG emissions stipulated in the Paris Agreement and the ambitions of the Energy Union strategy. At the same time, energy costs and policy measures should not harm the competitiveness of energy intensive industries in the European Union vis-à-vis their global competitors. The central objective is to create a sector that is sustainable from an ecological, social as well as economic perspective.


: Naam LinkedIn profiel van Stefanie Corens Stefanie Corens
: Functie adviseur (klimaat- en energiebeleid)
: Organisatie Minaraad
: E-mailadres stefanie.corens@minaraad.be
: Telefoon 02 558 01 32


  • Coffee and Registration

    Tijd: 09:30 tot 10:00u

  • Welcome by EEAC

    Tijd: 10:00 tot 10:15u

  • What is the role of energy-intensive industries in the sustainable low-carbon economic future of the EU and its Member States?

    Spreker(s): Christian Egenhofer, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)

    Tijd: 10:15 tot 11:00u

    application/pdf Presentation Christian Egenhofer application/pdf, 234.2 KB
  • What actions need to be taken to ensure a successful industrial transformation process?

    Spreker(s): Sascha Samadi, Wuppertal Institute

    Tijd: 11:00 tot 12:00u

    application/pdf Presentation Sascha Samadi application/pdf, 1.9 MB
  • Coffee

    Tijd: 12:00 tot 12:15u

  • What mix of government policies is needed to achieve low-carbon production by the energy-intensive industries?

    Spreker(s): Titas Anuskevicius, European Commission

    Tijd: 12:15 tot 13:15u

  • Conclusions and further work

    Tijd: 13:15 tot 13:20u

  • Good practices of government (FLUX50)

    Spreker(s): Heidi Lenaerts, Flux50

    Tijd: 13:20 tot 13:35u

    application/pdf Presentation Heidi Lenaerts application/pdf, 2.7 MB
  • Good practices of government (FEBEG)

    Spreker(s): FEBEG

    Tijd: 13:35 tot 13:50u

    application/pdf Presentation FEBEG application/pdf, 678.5 KB