12 okt 2017

EEAC-Conference 2017: Towards the 2030 Agenda and beyond: European cooperation within a new citizens–science–policy–interface

Oriëntatiemoment Vergroening van de economie


Datum: van 12 okt 2017 t/m 13 okt 2017
Tijd: 09:00 tot 18:00 uur

iCalplaats de gebeurtenis in je agenda


Het EEAC-netwerk is op 12 en 13 oktober toe aan zijn 25ste jaarlijkse conferentie. Dit jaar vindt deze plaats in Maastricht in Nederland. Het thema dit jaar is: Towards the 2030 Agenda and beyond: European cooperation within a new citizens–science–policy interface. De Minaraad is lid van dit netwerk en neemt ook actief deel aan deze conferentie.

Like many other organizations, the EEAC network is challenged by the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the present political and societal atmosphere, and the changing interface between science, policy and society. Citizens are claiming their voice, and are no longer taking established facts and institutions for granted.

We need renewed inspiration for European cooperation that goes beyond borders, silos and institutional barriers. The 25th EEAC Annual Conference will be dedicated to these needs.

What to expect

The conference will provide you with a stimulating environment for knowledge-sharing through keynote speeches by internationally recognized experts and politicians, as well as round-table interactions. These round tables will be led by prominent EEAC members, and each will address a specific policy domain related to sustainable development and/or the environment. You will have ample time to:

  • Identify and discuss the challenges we face in implementing environmental and sustainable development policies today and in the 25 years to come
  • Discuss how the tasks ahead are affected by the current political and societal atmosphere and its consequences for the implementation of environmental and sustainable development policies
  • Participate in rich discussions on the effects that the changing science-policy-society interface will have on the handling of strategic environmental and sustainability issues

At this conference you will not only be an attendant, but first and foremost a participant sharing your perspective, ideas and knowledge. The conference will enable you to take part in dialogues with leading European scientists, representatives of the younger generation, business and consumer representatives, representatives of NGOs, and professionals from EU, national and sub‑national governments. First Vice-President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans has confirmed his presence at this special event.

By attending this conference:

  • You will be able to engage in a self-critical dialogue with distinguished partners in an open and enabling atmosphere
  • You will be able to discuss an issue of joint concern: the challenges to implementing the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development in the current political and societal climate
  • You will be able to share experiences, ideas and concerns and enrich yourself with new perspectives on the challenges we face in implementing the 2030 Agenda
  • You will be able to pick up messages and signals which can be used to advance European, national or regional policy agendas

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